The mad people were here first....then it all went downhill...
Welcome, guys...
Subscriber and user for about 2 years now, like my second post lol.
I am a avid hardware entusiest and active in the Overclocking community, if you got a question just fire it off, 35, male and married the last 17 years.
Any way Hello All,
Welcome to the madhouse, Super
Now that you're here, you might want to get a dictionary and a helmet. There are people like Zubaz and Jafo in here
And also, get an umbrella and watch out, there's always some poo whenever the Munkeh's around
Have fun
I've been here downloading skins and things for several months and for some reason just figured out what the Screenshots gallery is for - and now I'm really hooked. Is there a 12-step group for this?
I'm 49, female, and work as a librarian/information specialist for a news organization. In addition to this newest obsession, I'm really into growing succulents (and other plants too). I've some fairly basic web design. I've been using Paint Shop Pro X for recoloring icons and stuff for my screenshots - don't know if I'll ever be up to actually creating a skin for anything...
Welcome to Wincustomize.