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New Subscriber Intros
Let us know who you are.
Published on October 19, 2005 By
New Users
Just an idea to throw out there....what with the subscription drive going on.
How about a Sticky for new SUBSCRIBERS to intro themselves. You see this on a lot of the sites out there. Something to give people a way to kinda ease into the community without having to worry about stepping on toes or feel like they're intruding into threads, etc.
That kind of post might be able to catch up to Xaltec's "Word Association" fairly quickly.
So for you noob SUBSCRIBERs post a little something about yourself. You know....real name, bank account & credit card numbers, SSN, home address, etc. (just kidding)
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Comments (Page 13)
35 Pages
on Feb 18, 2006
Hello, my name is Julie, and I am an addict.
I have been redoing my pc in the last few days; getting ready for lots of downloading(from stardock). She's an old bessy, '99 - but the top of her line for the day! My hope is to become an outstanding skinner, but I'm self-taught(and I mean totally), so maybe someday you'll see my name up in- uh -the top downloads :
luv U all
on Feb 21, 2006
Hello there
We are glad that you would grace our community with your presence and your works! We hope you would enjoy your stay.
on Feb 21, 2006
I found this skin site at the request of a fellow citizen at marketingprofs.com.
This is a great idea -- Truly!
I have worked in software for a number of years and am currently challenged to get people to try our new search software tool (which, of course is free) -- Submitting our tool was my original intention for coming to the site . . . While our tool is not yet skinnable, I think I'll stay . . . because I have enough apps on my desktop that are!
Our site is: http://www.intellext.com
I'm looking forward to skinning my PC - Thanks for the welcome!
on Feb 22, 2006
Boy....I've fallen behind. Took off for a short vacation where I caught the mufungo so I fell behind at work and now I'm finally catching up.
Riecka, I hope someone emailed you with links to some good tutorials. If not there's a section here under the Articles tab with quite a bit of info. My fav. Windowblinds tutorial (Spoono) may be a little outdated but should be good enough to get you the basics.
imagelOst, welcome to WC. I hope you have a long career as a skinner.
Stay safe. Thank You.
Floress, we're glad to have you and I hope to see your name on that Top Skinners list also.
mmelone, your welcome here too. The community is devoted to skinning and we're glad to have you.
There's also Joeuser.com which is devoted to blogging. Joeuser and WC share some of the Forum sections (Internet, Personal Computing) It would be a better place to post your annoucements concerning the search tool.
on Feb 24, 2006
This thread leads me to the belief that our community is growing and fast! WOW. Truly, being a part of this community makes me real proud!
on Feb 25, 2006
Hi all - I am ( maybe older than the average member at 35 ? ) i dont know , but i have been a fan for some time so thought i should sign up and pop in here to say hello.
on Feb 28, 2006
Citizen Riecka
Citizen Floressss
Citizen mmelone
Ms. paperfairys
Mistuhr Phatbutt
on Mar 05, 2006
I was kinda wonderin' on how you guys make skins.I've been using this website for a long time and it helped me improved my computer enhancements but it's only today that I got to subscribe here. hehehehe
Well...my name is Paul,I'm still 14yrs old and I still in high school(I'm still a kid)
.I live in the Phils.Here though here many advancements have occured about computers technology,blah blah yata yata or whatever but for me,still not enough!!
So, that's why I've opening WC for so long now it really craved up my apetite for computers.
For those who have been in Wc who know how to make skins I've got one question:is it hard to make one?if not can anyone give pointers?!!Thankz
That's all for now!!LUV YA guyz!!Thankz again!!
Mistuhr Phatbutt
on Mar 05, 2006
I was kinda wonderin' on how you guys make skins.I've been using this website for a long time and it helped me improved my computer enhancements but it's only today that I got to subscribe here. hehehehe
Well...my name is Paul,I'm still 14yrs old and I still in high school(I'm still a kid)
.I live in the Phils.Here though here many advancements have occured about computers technology,blah blah yata yata or whatever but for me,still not enough!!
So, that's why I've opening WC for so long now it really craved up my apetite for computers.
For those who have been in Wc who know how to make skins I've got one question:is it hard to make one?if not can anyone give pointers?!!Thankz
That's all for now!!LUV YA guyz!!Thankz again!!
Mistuhr Phatbutt
on Mar 05, 2006
I was kinda wonderin' on how you guys make skins.I've been using this website for a long time and it helped me improved my computer enhancements but it's only today that I got to subscribe here. hehehehe
Well...my name is Paul,I'm still 14yrs old and I'm still in high school(I'm still a kid)
.I live in the Phils. Here though there are many advancements that have occured about computer technology,blah blah yata yata or whatever but for me,still not enough!!
So, that's why I've opening WC for so long now it really craved up my apetite for computer addiction or so they say.
For those who have been in Wc who know how to make skins I've got one question:is it hard to make one?if not can anyone give me pointers?!!Thankz
That's all for now!!LUV YA guyz!!Thankz again!!
Mistuhr Phatbutt
on Mar 05, 2006
Sorry for the wrong grammar on the first comment.
on Mar 17, 2006
I am the TOMINATOR! or I am Thomas.
I live in Australia (south of brisbane)
I won this subscription!
I am 12 and I am literally a genious at computers.
I have been around for a few years though.
on Mar 22, 2006
Hi all,
I am very new,within the past couple of months.I tried WB5.0 first, liked it and got OBDT--having great fun with the thousands of skins--you are a clever lot
I live in Bristol UK, am going on 29, well ok, 66 really, my wife is looking over my shoulder
I love music,play guitar and enjoy a good chin wag on the 'net.Can I add here a big thank you to all who must spend countless hours,days weeks etc,so that old codgers like me can add a bit of variety to their otherwise dull Desktops/Browsers.
on Mar 23, 2006
Hi Thomas, glad you've got a subscription now. I hope your health is improving. I've got a 13 year-old boy at home who thinks he knows everything already too.
Welcome to WC Jumbuck! We had a poll a while back that showed that most of us are "old codgers", I'm a young 42 or 43 myself (can't remember which, guess I'll have to do the math) There are several talented youngsters here too who provide quite a bit of the content.
tejas shinde
on Mar 25, 2006
Hi Guys!
My name is Tejas.I live in India.
I am not a 'skinnaholic';
But one day I wud love to be that one!
Hope U guys will help for that!
Presently,I am doing a diploma in JAVA programming,So this programming just amused me to follow up U all "Skinnaholic".
35 Pages
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