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New Subscriber Intros
Let us know who you are.
Published on October 19, 2005 By
New Users
Just an idea to throw out there....what with the subscription drive going on.
How about a Sticky for new SUBSCRIBERS to intro themselves. You see this on a lot of the sites out there. Something to give people a way to kinda ease into the community without having to worry about stepping on toes or feel like they're intruding into threads, etc.
That kind of post might be able to catch up to Xaltec's "Word Association" fairly quickly.
So for you noob SUBSCRIBERs post a little something about yourself. You know....real name, bank account & credit card numbers, SSN, home address, etc. (just kidding)
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on Oct 19, 2005
i'm not a new subscriber
but i will introduce myself since i don't do skins, just kinda poke around the forums a bit though.
Amanda - (girl of course
currently living in Alaska, attending UAA. love my computer, am getting a iBook in the next week or so (can't wait! - it's replacing my old gateway laptop) and my car (http://members.cardomain.com/ak_honda) - could say i'm not the typical girl
began using object desktop last year, and have been hooked since. just renewed my subscription, and have also paid for the wincustomize subscription too (no more ads!) i love this website and community ~ i hope those who are joining here now will come to love it as much and help it to grow!
*i am sssooo jealous of all those great skinners out there too
thanks for all the wonderful work that is put out here - and for making the guys at CompUSA ask me if i am even running windows (hahaha)
on Oct 19, 2005
Thanks gfcentral002. Nice car. I'd test drive but I'm about as far from Alaska as I can get and still stay in the US.
on Oct 19, 2005
I'd like to introduce myself to the new subscribers. I'm a Board Moderator for the OS Customization forum here on WinCustomize. Feel free to ask questions that you have either in there, or else you can email me @
I'm also on the Stardock IRC channel that you can get to using the Chat feature in the WinCustomize browser, or in Stardock Central! We're on irc.stardock.com if you've got another IRC program. I'm CerebroJD and reside on #stardock!
Welcome to the site!
on Oct 19, 2005
HI, im from the Philippines... i do really love to customized my computer. and playing online games...
on Oct 20, 2005
Hola!(Hi!), yo soy de México(i´m from Mexico) y como no me la voy a pasar traduciendo todo lo que digo voy a decir lo siguiente en inglés(...mmmhh, what ever.)
, I´m Tycus i wont tell my real name because it´s long so..., i´m lerning to creat the perfect logon(when i´m going to get it...?, well, who know?!?), and i realy love this site (realy!!!
), i hope to became one of the best designers
on Oct 21, 2005
Thanks Tycus, Stargazing, and Moderator CerebroJD. Sorry I didn't keep up yesterday but I've been working toward deadlines on three different projects for noon today and watching Wilma for any slight shift north in projected path.
I'm Mike. I do Civil Engineering for Land Development in Central Florida. I've been chained to a desktop computer ever since there was such a thing and I am a customization addict. (But that's for another thread)
on Oct 28, 2005
Hi my name is Geoff,I've just just got the skinning bug and still learning.I'm married,2 kids,sprayer by trade.I'm from cheshire in the UK.
on Nov 03, 2005
Hi everyone, my name is Todd and I am from Alberta, Canada. I have been coming to this site for years and today I finally signed on as an Object Desktop subscriber. The creative talent on here is incredible! I have been enjoying coming to this site and downloading mainly themes for Windowblinds and Icon Packager and today was the day that I decided to join as a paid member. I know, I should have a LONG time ago, but better late then never. Best $49.99 ($60Cdn) I have spent.
on Nov 03, 2005
Hi Geoff, Welcome in. You've got a lot of company with quite a few from the UK here. Watch out for Fuzzy Logic. Green blood, pointed ears...you'll recognize him. Not sure what the US equivalent of a sprayer is. At home it's usually a male cat.
Hi to you too Todd, I'm from Florida, so I have a lot of experience with Canadians. Glad you made the plunge. Now that you have all the software follow Hog56's lead and start skinning.
I look forward to seeing contributions from you both.
Fuzzy Logic
on Nov 03, 2005
Quite a few of us Blighty chaps around here
Assume sprayer = paint sprayer...
Sleeping Dragon
on Nov 03, 2005
Welcome Todd! Welcome Geoff!
Your blood will be flowing chameleon green soon.
on Nov 03, 2005
Assume sprayer = paint sprayer.
I would hope so. The cat thing doesn't seem like an adaquate career.
on Nov 03, 2005
The cat thing doesn't seem like an adaquate career.
Maybe it pays better in the UK?
Welcome peoples
on Nov 03, 2005
Hi there peeps i'm John I'm 34 and I live in South London, Ive only had the internet for about six months so its all new to me. I into Drum an Bass in a big way and I love messin around with my computer (till I mess it up done that a few times) my other fav website is dogsonacid.com http://dogsonacid.com . I like baseball and support Chicago Cubs. This is a great site and I'm trying to teach myself photoshop, gettin there kind of.
anyway hello to everyone
on Nov 03, 2005
Hi: My name is SIXX........And I'm A Skinoholic
and this website is completely intoxicating to me.
Oh….and sometimes I don’t know when to shut up……..
At least that’s what my wife would say.
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